2023, September 19
9 min read
Matt S.

Why Encryption Ban Is Impossible?

Discover why encryption is crucial, protecting privacy, security, and digital rights while fueling the global encryption debate.

In today's digital age, encryption stands as an impenetrable fortress protecting our personal information and preserving the confidentiality of our digital communications. Yet, this concept is not confined to the realms of technology alone; it carries profound legal and political implications. The oft-quoted mantra in this context, "security through encryption and security despite encryption," reflects the multifaceted nature of encryption. In this comprehensive blog post, we will explore the meaning and significance of encryption, its various forms, the legal rights associated with it, and, most importantly, why encryption is a cornerstone of privacy and security.

Understanding Encryption in Simple Terms

At its core, encryption is a sophisticated technical process aimed at obscuring the readability of information within data, rendering it difficult, if not impossible, for unauthorized entities to access. This plays a pivotal role in the realm of cybersecurity, ensuring that only authorized parties can decipher and access sensitive information. To gain a deeper understanding of encryption, let's delve into its two primary categories: transport encryption and content encryption.
  • Transport Encryption:
    Also known as "point-to-point encryption" (P2PE) or "line encryption," this type primarily secures the communication channel between the message sender and the recipient. While it acts as a safeguard against unauthorized interception during transmission, transport encryption has a limitation – data may be decrypted at intermediate stations, such as servers, potentially exposing security vulnerabilities.
  • Content Encryption:
    Content encryption, which includes "end-to-end encryption" (E2EE), takes data protection a step further. This encryption method ensures data remains secure even when it is "at rest" on devices or during transmission at intermediate stations. With E2EE, the data itself is encrypted "in its content," providing comprehensive protection from the source to the destination.

The Legal Right to Encryption

Crucially, the right to encryption is recognized as a civil right. The European Union, acknowledging its significance, has enshrined this right in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, a legal framework that extends its protection to over 450 million citizens. Although encryption is not explicitly mentioned in the law, the Charter upholds the right to privacy, data protection, and the use of technical means to safeguard confidentiality and data integrity. Any attempts to ban encryption, as observed in some countries like the USA, are incompatible with European legal standards.
This global legal stance on the right to encryption extends beyond legal considerations. Just as individuals can write analog letters in secret scripts to protect their contents, they must retain the ability to encrypt digital communications and store data securely on their devices.

Balancing Security and Privacy

Governments worldwide grapple with the dilemma of balancing public security and citizens' right to data security and protection, especially as encryption technologies become more sophisticated and accessible. Concerns about potential data inaccessibility for law enforcement and national security have driven discussions about encryption restrictions.
Proposed approaches to this dilemma encompass a wide spectrum, ranging from government access mechanisms, the regulation of encrypted communication channels, technical weakening of encryption, to outright bans on encrypted communication. These debates underscore the tension between "security through encryption" and "security despite encryption."

Why Encryption Is Crucial

To appreciate the importance of encryption fully, we must explore why it is indispensable in today's world:
  • Privacy Preservation:
    Encryption is the digital equivalent of a sealed envelope for your messages. It ensures that your private conversations, emails, and data remain inaccessible to prying eyes. In an era where personal information is increasingly valuable, preserving privacy is paramount.
  • Protection Against Cyberattacks
    : Cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated, and data breaches are on the rise. Encryption serves as the first line of defense, making it extremely challenging for hackers to access and exploit sensitive data.
  • Trust in Digital Transactions:
    Whether it's online shopping, banking, or sharing confidential business information, encryption builds trust. It ensures that sensitive financial and personal details remain secure during digital transactions.
  • Global Communication:
    In an interconnected world, encryption enables individuals and businesses to communicate securely across borders. This is not only essential for personal privacy but also for international business and diplomacy.
  • Safeguarding Human Rights:
    In countries where human rights are under threat, encryption provides a lifeline. It empowers individuals and organizations to communicate securely, protecting them from government surveillance and censorship.
Total number of accounts requested by governments (2013-2021)

The Technical Landscape of Encryption

Encryption methods have evolved significantly over the years. Initially, simple substitution ciphers were used to encode messages, but these were easily cracked. Modern encryption employs highly complex algorithms and mathematical techniques, rendering decryption practically impossible without the appropriate keys.
One of the most significant advancements in encryption is the development of public-key cryptography. This approach uses two keys, a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The public key can be freely shared, allowing anyone to encrypt messages for the recipient, while only the recipient, possessing the private key, can decrypt and access the message. This form of encryption is the foundation of secure online communication, enabling secure connections for online banking, email, and more.
However, encryption is not solely about securing data in transit; it also encompasses securing data at rest. In this scenario, data is encrypted on storage devices, such as hard drives or smartphones. Modern devices often use hardware encryption, which ensures that even if the physical storage medium is compromised, the data remains encrypted and inaccessible without the proper authentication.

Legal and Ethical Implications of Encryption

While encryption offers unparalleled security, it also presents legal and ethical challenges. These complexities arise when encryption is perceived as obstructing law enforcement or when it becomes a tool for malicious activities.
  • Law Enforcement Concerns:
    Law enforcement agencies argue that encryption can hinder investigations by preventing access to critical information, such as messages exchanged between criminals. This has led to debates over whether tech companies should provide "backdoors" or decryption keys to allow access to encrypted data when necessary for criminal investigations.
  • Protecting Individual Rights:
    On the other hand, encryption is viewed as essential for protecting individual rights, including the right to privacy and freedom of speech. Citizens and activists in countries with oppressive governments rely on encryption to communicate securely, shielded from surveillance and potential persecution.
  • Encryption and National Security:
    Encryption also plays a crucial role in national security. Secure communication among government agencies and the military relies on robust encryption to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.
  • Ethical Dilemmas:
    Tech companies face ethical dilemmas regarding encryption. Balancing their responsibility to user privacy with the need to cooperate with law enforcement agencies poses complex challenges. Striking the right balance is crucial to maintaining user trust.

Government Access and the Encryption Debate

One of the central issues in the encryption debate is whether governments should have mechanisms to access encrypted data when required for law enforcement purposes. Several arguments surround this contentious topic:
Security vs. Privacy: Advocates for government access argue that encryption should not be absolute, as it may shield criminal activities. They believe that law enforcement agencies should have the means to access encrypted data when necessary to protect public safety.
Risks of Backdoors: Critics of government access mechanisms contend that creating "backdoors" or decryption keys for authorities poses significant risks. These vulnerabilities could be exploited by malicious actors, potentially leading to widespread data breaches and compromising user security.
User Trust and Company Cooperation: Tech companies must navigate a delicate balance between user trust and cooperation with law enforcement. The perception that companies are compromising user privacy can erode trust, impacting their reputation and user base.
International Implications: The encryption debate extends beyond national borders. Tech companies providing government access to one country's law enforcement may set a precedent that other countries follow. This could create a complex international landscape where companies face demands from multiple governments with varying agendas.
The heatmap shows the total number of accounts specified in user data requests (per 100,000 people) that each country’s government institution submitted from 2013 to 2021.

Encryption in Everyday Life

Encryption has seamlessly integrated itself into our daily lives, quietly working behind the scenes to fortify the security of our online interactions. It performs a pivotal role in numerous familiar scenarios. For instance, when you visit a secure website marked by "https" in the URL, encryption is diligently at work, shielding your data, including login credentials and payment information, during transmission.
Additionally, many email services employ encryption to protect the content of your emails. Certain platforms take this a step further with end-to-end encryption, guaranteeing that only you and the intended recipient can access the message. Similarly, widely-used messaging apps like WhatsApp and Signal employ end-to-end encryption, rendering it nearly impossible for anyone other than the intended recipient to access your messages.
Furthermore, in the realm of online banking, encryption serves as the cornerstone of safeguarding your financial transactions and personal information from potential theft or interception. Modern smartphones also integrate encryption to secure the data stored on the device, ensuring that even if your phone falls into the wrong hands, the data remains encrypted and inaccessible without the correct authentication. Lastly, cloud storage services, such as Dropbox and Google Drive, employ encryption to protect your files while they reside on their servers. This robust security measure guarantees that, even in the event of a breach at the service provider's end, your data remains shielded from unauthorized access.


In the ever-evolving digital age, encryption stands as an unyielding fortress, safeguarding our personal information and upholding the sacred tenets of privacy and security. It offers protection against cyber threats, bolsters trust in digital transactions, empowers individuals globally, and shields those in oppressive regimes.
However, it's also at the heart of a delicate debate between security and privacy, with concerns about government access and international implications. As data protection regulations become more stringent, encryption has transformed from choice to mandate for organizations worldwide. In our daily lives, it operates seamlessly behind the scenes, securing our online interactions and preserving the sanctity of personal information.
Encryption isn't just a tool; it's a symbol of our commitment to individual rights and trust in the digital world, serving as our unwavering protector in this interconnected, data-driven society.

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