2023, August 24
9 min read
Matt S.

What Is File Encryption? Quick Guide

File encryption is the process of converting data into a code to prevent unauthorized access. Secure your files and maintain privacy with this essential cybersecurity measure.

Let's all agree, today data security is of paramount importance, file encryption plays a critical role in safeguarding sensitive information. Encryption has a deep-rooted history, stretching back centuries, as ancient civilizations sought ways to protect their valuable messages from prying eyes.
The origins of encryption can be traced back to ancient Rome, where Julius Caesar employed a simple technique known as the Caesar cipher. This method involved shifting each letter in the message by a certain number of positions. While rudimentary, it symbolized the early concept of encryption.
An example of Caesar cipher.
As time progressed, encryption techniques became more sophisticated. In the Middle Ages, European monks were known to use various cryptographic systems to encode important manuscripts. These methods included polyalphabetic ciphers, which employed multiple alphabets to obscure the message further.
Fast forward to the early 20th century, and significant advancements were made in encryption during World War II. The advent of electromechanical devices, such as the German Enigma machine and the British Bombe machine, propelled encryption capabilities forward. These machines utilized mechanical rotors to create complex letter substitutions, posing a formidable challenge to codebreaking efforts.
However, it was not until the late 20th century that encryption truly entered the digital realm. With the rise of computers and the internet, there was an urgent need for robust encryption algorithms to protect sensitive data exchanged over networks. This led to the development of various encryption standards and algorithms, including the Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the 1970s and its successor, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), in the 2000s.
Today, AES256, the most widely used encryption algorithm, stands as a testament to the progress made in protecting digital information. Its ability to secure data with a 256-bit key offers an exceptionally high level of security, making it virtually impervious to brute-force attacks.
While the exponential growth of technology poses new challenges, such as the anticipated threat of quantum computing, which could potentially break existing encryption algorithms, AES256 remains our reliable defense. Experts predict that AES256 will remain secure at least until the projected year of 2030, giving us confidence in our current security posture.
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of file encryption, exploring its historical origins, understanding its significance, and unpacking the workings of AES256—the gold standard in encryption algorithms. Whether you are an individual aiming to secure personal files or a business seeking top-notch data protection, this quick guide will equip you with the fundamental knowledge needed to navigate the realm of file encryption effectively.

What Is File Encryption?

File encryption is a security measure that transforms the contents of a file into an unreadable format using an encryption algorithm and a unique key. This process ensures that only authorized individuals with the correct key can access and decipher the file. By encrypting files, sensitive information remains protected even if unauthorized parties gain access to them, whether through theft, hacking, or interception. File encryption provides an essential layer of defense, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of data, making it a crucial component in securing digital assets in today's interconnected world.
File encryption can be better understood through an example involving a top-secret document. Imagine you have a digital file containing highly sensitive information, such as classified government documents, personal financial records, or proprietary business plans. Without encryption, this file is vulnerable to unauthorized access, putting the confidentiality of its contents at risk.
This is where you can actually protect your files. Using an encryption software or tool, the file is transformed into an encrypted version, represented by a jumbled series of characters and symbols. This encryption process scrambles the file's contents in a way that is virtually unreadable without the decryption key.
Think of file encryption as locking the file inside a secure vault. The encryption algorithm acts as the lock, while the encryption key acts as the key needed to unlock the vault and access the file's original contents. Without the correct encryption key, the encrypted file remains impervious to prying eyes, even if it falls into the wrong hands.
Below you can see a diagram as illustration that showcases top 7 statistics of the encryption.

AES256 - The Pinnacle Of Encryption?

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is an encryption algorithm that was developed in the late 1990s and early 2000s by a group of Belgian cryptographers, Joan Daemen and Vincent Rijmen. It was selected by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a replacement for the aging Data Encryption Standard (DES).
AES operates on fixed-size blocks of data (128 bits) and supports three key sizes: 128, 192, and 256 bits, denoted as AES128, AES192, and AES256, respectively. The algorithm's strength lies in its ability to resist various cryptographic attacks, including known plaintext attacks, chosen-plaintext attacks, and differential and linear cryptanalysis.
AES256, with its 256-bit key size, offers an incredibly high level of security compared to AES128 and AES192. The larger key size exponentially increases the possible combinations, making brute-force attacks highly computationally intensive and practically infeasible with current technology. AES256 is considered secure against all known practical attacks.
Additionally, AES256 has undergone extensive analysis and scrutiny from the cryptographic community over the years. It has been subjected to numerous independent evaluations and is widely regarded as a strong encryption algorithm. The absence of any significant vulnerabilities found to date reaffirms its security.
However, it's worth noting that the security of any encryption algorithm is always subject to advancements in technology. While AES256 is currently considered secure, the advent of quantum computing poses a potential threat to its security in the future. Quantum computers, if harnessed to their full potential, could theoretically break current encryption algorithms, including AES256. Nonetheless, experts estimate that AES256 will remain secure until at least 2030, as advancements in quantum computing are still limited.

How To Share Encrypted File?

Sharing encrypted files between two people involves a collaborative process that ensures secure communication and preserves the confidentiality of the shared information. To begin, both individuals must have access to a compatible encryption software or tool.
First, the sender encrypts the file using their encryption software, which transforms the file into an unreadable format. The sender also selects a strong encryption key, which can be a passphrase or a randomly generated sequence of characters.
Next, the sender securely transmits the encrypted file to the recipient. This can be done through various methods, such as email attachments, cloud storage services, or secure file transfer protocols.
Upon receiving the encrypted file, the recipient uses their encryption software and the previously shared encryption key to decrypt the file. This process reverses the encryption, allowing the recipient to access the original, readable contents of the file.
Throughout this exchange, it is crucial to ensure the secure transmission of the encryption key. This can be achieved by sending the key separately or using additional security measures like asymmetric encryption, where the sender encrypts the encryption key with the recipient's public key, and the recipient uses their private key to decrypt it.

Encrypted Messaging Apps

While messaging apps like WhatsApp, iMessage, Messenger, and Viber are widely used and offer convenient communication features, it's important to note that their encryption practices may not provide the same level of security as some other alternatives. While these popular messaging apps do employ some form of encryption, they may not necessarily implement end-to-end encryption (E2EE) by default or have independent audits to verify their security claims.
For users seeking stronger privacy and security measures, it is recommended to consider alternative messaging apps like Signal or Skyda (an alternative to Signal with enhanced security features). Signal, for example, is known for its strong commitment to privacy and security. It not only utilizes end-to-end encryption for all messages and calls but also undergoes regular independent security audits to ensure the efficacy of its encryption protocols.
Skyda, as an alternative to Signal, offers similar end-to-end encryption capabilities along with additional security enhancements tailored to users' privacy needs. These apps prioritize user privacy, offering features that protect metadata, enable self-destructing messages (more about them here), and provide greater control over user data (Click here).
It's important for users to be mindful of their choice of messaging apps and prioritize those that prioritize encryption and privacy. By selecting messaging apps like Signal or Skyda, users can enhance their communication security and have greater peace of mind knowing their conversations and data are safeguarded from potential unauthorized access or interception.


In conclusion, file encryption stands as a vital tool in the modern era of digital security. From its humble beginnings with historical encryption techniques to the advanced encryption algorithms of today, the aim has always been to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. AES256, the gold standard in encryption, offers an exceptional level of security with its 256-bit key size and resistance to brute-force attacks. Although concerns exist regarding the potential threats posed by quantum computing, AES256 remains resolute in its ability to safeguard data until at least 2030 (Here's a scientific paper that says that - read here).
With the proliferation of messaging apps, user awareness of encryption practices becomes essential. While popular messaging apps like WhatsApp, iMessage, Messenger, and Viber offer convenience, users must consider alternatives like Signal or Skyda for enhanced privacy and security. These apps prioritize end-to-end encryption and independent audits, assuring users of their commitment to preserving confidentiality.
The strength of AES256 cannot be understated, its robustness and resilience standing firm against known cryptographic attacks. Developed by Belgian cryptographers and widely acclaimed, AES256 has become the go-to encryption algorithm for securing sensitive data. Nevertheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that with technological advancements, including the potential impact of quantum computing, encryption methods will continue to evolve. Therefore, staying informed about emerging encryption techniques and maintaining a proactive approach in implementing secure communication practices are key to protecting our digital assets.
Embracing file encryption and selecting secure messaging apps with robust encryption measures truly allows us to fortify our digital world. By understanding the history, significance, and intricacies of file encryption, we can empower ourselves to take control of our data security and communicate confidently in an increasingly interconnected landscape. Let us embrace the power of encryption, fortifying our digital assets and ensuring confidentiality and privacy for years to come.
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